Hablo un poco de espanol :D
I had my first spanish lesson after work today. It was quite scary, the teacher kept speaking spanish! It was fun though - can't wait for the next one. (We are following the BBC course.)
Generally us English are quite poor at learning other languages. I have always been really impressed with the quality of language learning in all the european countries I have visited, and hope that one day us British will do the same.
Good use of a striking image from someone else's Flickr stream - I need to start blogging on some cool pics I see on there - there are so many that people take that I'm just... "aaahhhh" about!
Good luck with the Espanol, also!
hey, just checkin with ya! thanks for lookin' at my blog. s'been a while since i've been on it.
happy July 26th!
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