March 22, 2007

TopUP 2007

I got a letter this morning, from my employer - UnumProvident. I qualified for TopUP 2007, which is the UnumProvident event for employees who have been given an excellent rating for the past years work. The past couple of years the events have been long weekends abroad.. this years event will be at a luxury 5* hotel in central London, with a gala dinner and a luzury overnight stay, plus a bonus of £1,000. What a wonderful suprise!

March 14, 2007

Thumbs Up

The boys' thumb war
Originally uploaded by mooncici.
My thumbs are only little, especially compared to Andrews. However, we had a thumb war to decide who got to choose the film to watch - and I won! easily I might add.. we wanted to watch the same film anyway, that's the funniest part.

March 13, 2007

The Great Gatsby

I've been reading quite a bit recently, and thought it would be a good idea to keep a record of what I've read.

The latest book was 'The Great Gatsby'. Apparently known as the great book of American Literature. I have to say it captured me. I really wanted to find out what happened next. I'm not sure what I learnt from this book - maybe just that I have a great life. Most of the people in this story couldn't say the same about their lives.